Projek Kamarádi byl oceněn Evropskou jazykovou cenou LABEL za rok 2014

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Local meetings with educators

meeting Romania 2024 01as part of the Easy Together project

During the period February - March 2024 six local meetings with school teachers and workers in education took place as part of Activity 2 of the project Exchange of good practices and development of educational materials for inclusion of culturally diverse children Easy Together. The aim of those meetings was to exchange good practices in the field of inclusion, to collect the best of them and use them in the project’s results and to get wide and relevant overview on the current situation in the field of inclusion in local, national and European level.

meeting Romania 2024 02meeting Romania 2024 03meeting Romania 2024 04Three meeting were organised by ISJ Braila – the School inspectorate in Braila, Romania and other three we organised by the coordinator of the project – Spolek Zaedno, Czechia. Six meetings in total we organised in both partner’s countries. While a total of 60 participants were planned in the project application, in reality, around 150 teachers, educators, or volunteers working with children participated in the local meetings. This is an indicator demonstrating the need and interest in the topic, as well as the partners' capacity to approach teachers from different organisations and levels.

 Two additional local meetings took place aswell – one in Romania and one in the Czech Republic - with 69 participants in total. These meetings were not included in the project application and were voluntary efforts from the side of the partner organizations. Throughout these meetings, we had a unique opportunity to exchange contacts, practices, and methods in the field of inclusion, as well as ideas for improvement and further cooperation. With the participation of individuals from Bulgaria in the Prague meeting, we consider their involvement and experience to be an added value to the project, which is currently bilateral between Czechia and Romania. We are delighted to have had the opportunity to present our E+ project, Easy Together, to local, but also national and international level.